Acquisition of basic grammatical skills
Intercultural children hear (and speak) two different languages during language acquisition. This results in reduced input in each of the languages. Furthermore, the world’s languages differ in many ways. Simple illustrative examples
are the following. Languages differ in how many consonants (sounds) they use to form words: There are languages that get by with 6 consonants (Rokotas) while others use 122 different consonants (!Xóõ). The amount of information in
a word also differs: Languages like German or English combine 2-3 different pieces of information in one word (person, tense, number) while languages like Chintang mark 7 more pieces of information in addition to these 3 (e.g., clusivity,
mood, aspect, polarity). Thus, not every language combination has to be equally easy to learn.
In this research project, I investigate: How can we determine the grammatical skills of intercultural children? How does language similarity affects the acquisition of basic grammatical skills? Which other factors influence which linguistic
skills intercultural children acquire and use?
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